Incentive Resources
TECH Clean California Incentives Availability
- As of July 9, 2024, single family equity heat pump water heater incentives are nearly reserved for electric investor-owned utility (IOU) customers in SDG&E service area; therefore, July, 9, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives.
- As of June 3, 2024, single family equity heat pump water heater incentives are nearly reserved for non-SMUD publicly owned utility customers; therefore, June 3, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives.
- As of May 30, 2024, single family single market rate and equity heat pump water heater incentives are nearly reserved for electric investor-owned utility (IOU) customers in SCG service area; therefore, May 30, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives.
- As of May 29, 2024, single family equity heat pump water heater incentives are nearly reserved for investor-owned utility (IOU) customers in PG&E service area; therefore, May 29, 2024 is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives. Please note that this includes SMUD electric customers – there is no separate SMUD budget for equity projects.
- As of April 4, 2024, single family market rate incentives are nearly reserved in SDG&E service area; therefore April 4, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives.
- As of March 7, 2024, single family market rate heat pump water heater incentives are nearly reserved for non-SMUD publicly owned utility customers; therefore, March 7, 2024 is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives.
- As of February 9, 2024, single family market rate incentives are nearly reserved in SMUD service area; therefore, February 9, 2024 is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives.
- As of February 6, 2024, single family market rate heat pump water heater incentives are fully reserved for electric investor-owned utility (IOU) customers in PG&E service area.
Learn more about the updates here.
Please note that single family equity heat pump water heater incentives are still available in some areas. For more details, please visit the TECH Clean California Incentive Budget Report .
TECH Clean California offers incentives for single family HVAC and heat pump water heater projects throughout the state of California.
If you’re a customer and want to find a TECH Clean California Participating Contractor, visit the Switch Is On contractor directory.
Heat Pump Water Heater Incentives
New funding for TECH Clean California heat pump water heaters incentives is now available statewide. TECH Clean California incentives are only available through TECH-enrolled contractors who have completed additional required training about the heat pump water heater incentives. Customers who receive a TECH Clean California incentive for a heat pump water heater must enroll in an approved demand response program and agree to be transitioned to a time-of-use rate.
Program and Incentive Resources
Find available incentives
in your area
Explore rebates and incentives from TECH Clean California.
Find the right products
for you
Explore eligible electric appliances and TECH Clean
California’s Qualifying Product List of heat pumps.
TECH Incentive Budget Report
This table summarizes the remaining budgets for TECH Clean California general incentives, which include market-rate single-family incentives as well as multifamily incentives.
- HVAC – $1,000 per outdoor condensing unit (max 2 per project)
- Starting at $3,100 with additional opportunities for kickers and higher rates for equity incentives.
Central HPWH
- Starting at $900/kWh, with additional opportunities for a low GWP kicker and higher rate for equity incentives (Max of $300,000 per project)
Small Business Unitary HPWH
- $3,100 plus an additional $1,500 kicker if the water heater has a refrigerant with GWP of 150 or less
Large Commercial Unitary HPWH
- $700/kWh plus an additional kicker of $200/kWh if the water heater has a refrigerant with GWP of 150 or less (Max $50,000 per project)
The below programs offer incentives directly through the TECH Application Clearinghouse on the Iris Platform. This means that contractors do not need to apply for rebates in a separate location, streamlining their experience
Programs include:
Program Name: BayREN Heat Pump Water Heater Contractor Incentive Program
Program Description: The BayREN HPWH contractor incentive program pays $1,000 directly to qualifying contractors for the installation of HPWHs to select Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) customers. The incentive can be kept by the installing contractor or passed on to the homeowner- it’s your choice as the participating contractor! Enrolled CCAs include Silicon Valley Power (SVP), and CleanPowerSF (CPSF). Incentives are only available for customers switching from a gas water heater to a HPWH. More information and the contractor enrollment form can be found at the BAYREN Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) Incentive for Participating Contractors website.
Program Name: Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) Electrify Your Home
Program Description: 3CE’s Electrify Your Home program offers rebates for customers switching from a gas appliance to a heat pump appliance to serve their space or water heating needs. Available incentives can be found at the Central Coast Community Energy. Please note, incentives are again available for single family and multifamily projects through Central Coast Community Energy’s (3CE) Electrify Your Home (EYH) program for sales on or after 12/6/2023. There have been changes to the incentive levels – please visit here for more information.
Program Name: Quality Residential HVAC Services Program (QHVAC)
Program Description: The Quality Residential HVAC Services (Quality HVAC) program helps contractors become champions of industry best practices and customer needs. By enrolling, contractors will earn incentives for tiered scopes of services, get ahead of market changes through no-cost trainings, and stay ahead with comprehensive support and resources.
TECH Clean California projects are for existing structures. TECH incentives are for retrofit residential (both HVAC and HPWH) and commercial sites (HPWH only). To see more info about qualifying customers, please visit this site.
Customer Definitions:
- Single Family – 1-4 Individual free-standing SF homes, including those with Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
- Multifamily – A property with 5 or more dwelling units
- Single Family – A single family project includes the following situations:
- A single family home
- An accessory dwelling unit (ADU).
- An individual homeowner residence within a homeowners’ association (HOA), condominium association, or residential co-op type property.
- Multifamily – Any property with 2 or more dwelling units where units are owned by a property owner.
- Unitary – The HPWH is installed inside each dwelling unit.
- Central – One central HPWH system is providing hot water to more than one household
- Single Family – A single family project includes the following situations:
TECH Clean California incentives are currently available for the following product types – for some product types you can click the links to view QPLs. Please note, TECH does not maintain excel based lists for HVAC categories due to the size. All HVAC units rated at AHRI conditions that meet the requirements listed in the “qualification information” links will qualify. For a list of AHRI rated units, please reference the AHRI Database.
- Unitary Heat Pump Water Heaters (Single Family, Multifamily, and Commercial)
- Unitary Package Pump (Single-family and Multi-family)
- Unitary Split Heat Pump (Single-family and Multi-family)
- Mini-Split and Multi-Split Heat Pump (Single-family and Multi-family)
- Central HPWH (Multi-family Only)
- Package Terminal Heat Pump (Multi-family Only)
- Single Package Vertical Heat Pump (Multi-family Only)
Please see these articles for more qualification information:
GoGreen Financing helps California homeowners and renters access affordable financing for a broad range of home energy efficiency and electrification measures. Be sure to check out GoGreen Home as a way to help customers finance project costs that are not covered by TECH incentives. Learn more at
Have additional questions about TECH Clean California? Reach out to our support team at
We invite you to join us for our office hours sessions. These sessions are every Tuesday at 9:00 –9:30 am PST. During these half-hour sessions, you will have the opportunity to ask program-related questions directly via Zoom.