Heat pump water heater incentives

You can get valuable incentives on a heat pump water heater by working with a TECH Clean California contractor. To receive the TECH Clean California incentive, there are a few requirements:

Demand response

Time-of-use rates

If you live in a Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) or Southern California Edison (SCE) service area, you are also required to enroll in a water heating rewards program.

Water heater rewards programs

You can get valuable incentives on a heat pump water heater by working with a TECH Clean California contractor. To receive the TECH Clean California incentive, there are a few requirements:

  1. Switch to a time-of-use (TOU) rate plan from electric provider, which your contractor can assist with. Note: you may already be on a TOU rate plan.
  2. Enroll in a Residential Demand Response program, which your contractor can assist with.
  3. If you live in Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) or Southern California Edison (SCE) territory you are also required to enroll in a water heating rewards program.
  4. Enrolling in one of these water heater rewards programs helps you avoid paying the highest electricity prices to heat your water, and can earn your rewards for participating.
  5. Electric customers of PG&E and SCE must enroll in the water heater rewards program available to them:
  6. For PG&E electric customers: WatterSaver
  7. For SCE electric customers: SmartShift Rewards 
Heat pump in action