For contractors
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Frequently asked questions
Finding a contractor
How do I know which contractor to work with?
How do I find the right contractor to help electrify my home?
What does it mean for a contractor to be “located in a disadvantaged community”?
How can I find a diverse contractor business for my project?
What should I look for in a contractor to know I’m getting a quality installation?
Cooking appliances
What is an induction cooktop?
Will I need to upgrade my panel to get induction?
Is it possible to have a smart panel so I don’t need to upgrade my electric service?
How much more expensive is induction than a gas stove?
How does an electric oven work?
What is an induction range?
Why is induction better than an electric cooktop? They’re both electric.
How is wok cooking on induction?
Why is induction cooking good for a chef?
How is searing on induction?
Is induction becoming more popular?
How powerful and precise is cooking with induction?
Are there different types of induction cooktops?
How is induction cooking safer than cooking with gas?
How is induction cooking good for the environment?
How is induction cooking energy efficient?
What are top selling points for induction cooking?
Will installing electric appliances increase my monthly utility bills?
Is it expensive to electrify my home?
Are there any additional or hidden costs to electrification?
If I can only afford to make one change, which appliance would be best for me to swap out first?
Will it save me money to go all-electric?
Will my energy consumption go down if I replace my gas water heater with a heat pump water heater?
Electric power grid
What happens if there is a power outage?
What happens when the power goes out?
Is there enough electricity for everyone to have all-electric homes?
Is the electrical grid able to handle electric homes?
Will connecting more appliances to the electric grid lead to more outages?
How can all-electric be supported by the electric grid?
How reliable is the electricity grid? What about outages?
For all-electric, is there a back up heating source in case of power outages?
Can I cook on induction when the power is out?
Can I cook on induction when the power goes out?
Electrification basics
Isn’t it better to just use less energy, instead of connecting more things to the electric grid?
Will I need a panel upgrade if I electrify my home?
As a renter, how can I electrify?
How can I tell if I have gas or electric appliances?
What kind of appliances can be electrified?
Can home electric panels handle all-electric homes?
Environment and climate change
What does electrification have to do with clean energy?
What is “clean” energy, anyway? How do I know if my electricity is clean?
I thought gas was “natural”. Doesn’t that mean the same thing as clean?
If heat pumps use refrigerants, how can they be environmentally friendly?
Isn’t it better to just use less energy, instead of connecting more things to the grid?
Health and safety
How do indoor appliances impact our health?
Heat pump HVACs
Are the HVAC rebates only available for a new install or for a replacement?
Do the incentives only apply to certain HVAC systems?
Do heat pumps work in cold weather?
Will heat pumps make my bills go up?
Why do heat pumps cost more than a standard furnace or AC unit?
What heat pump options are available for my home?
I’ve heard heat pumps are noisy. Is that true?
If heat pumps use refrigerant, how can they be environmentally friendly?
What is the efficiency difference between HP mini splits and HP HVAC units for residential homes?
At what square footage does it make sense to move from a mini-split to an HP HVAC for a single-family residence?
Heat pump water heaters
Is it more expensive to buy a heat pump water heater as opposed to a gas water heater?
How much more efficient is a heat pump water heater over a tankless heater?
What is the Inflation Reduction Act?
How long does it take for my rebate application to get approved?
How do I apply for rebates ?
Do you provide any incentives or help with the installation of solar panels?
How does the incentive process work?
How long are these incentives available? When will they run out?
I have additional questions about incentives. Is there someone I can contact directly?
Is there a rebate for switching from gas to electric fireplace?
How do I know if I qualify for a rebate?
Is there a rebate for the Nest thermostat?
Do I need to apply for a rebate prior to purchasing the appliance or after purchasing or installing it?
Can I stack incentives?
Is a triplex considered a single-family unit?
Incentives (California)
What is the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program (HEEHRA)?
What rebates are available under the HEEHRA program?
Can I combine HEEHRA rebates with state or local incentives?
Are there income limits for accessing HEEHRA benefits?
If my house is all electric how do I bbq?
Can I still use my propane BBQ/fire pit/outdoor heat lamp?
Are electric fireplaces available?
What is the process for changing a gas fireplace to electric?
What does “all-electric home” mean?
Are there appliances I can or can’t use in an all-electric home?
Will my home value grow with all-electric options?
What do I do if I want to sell and the buyer wants a gas stove?
Aren’t electric stoves worse than gas stoves when it comes to performance?
Will a heat pump work as well as my central HVAC?
Will my heat pump or heat pump water heater still work when it’s cold outside?
What is the difference between a gas stove, an electric coil stove, and an induction stove?
Is a tankless water heater the same thing as a heat pump water heater?
For contractors
Why is my business not showing in top search results?
Can I enroll as a designated applicant for a contractor?
What if I don’t have a Business Profile on Google Maps? Can I use another review system like Yelp?
The services and information on my profile need to be changed. How do I do that?
How do I reset my password or login information?
For contractors (California)
What kind of license is required to enroll?
When will I hear from TECH Clean California about my profile?
How can I provide incentives to my customers through TECH Clean California?