- Jun 1, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM PT
Encinitas Community Park425 Santa Fe Drive Encinitas, CA 92024About this event
Ambassadors needed to table and distribute materials on home electrification and electric appliances, while also promoting The Switch Is On tools to electrify (incentive and contractor finder).
You do not need to be present the entire time, we will gladly accept your availability.
EcoFest is the longest-running environmental fair in North San Diego County, showcasing ways to “go green” while saving money and having fun! Local green businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, schools with eCars and bikes, music, food, beer garden, and more can be found! Great for the whole family!
The Switch Is On is committed to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment where ideas can be freely shared and exchanged. To uphold this commitment, all participants in The Switch Is On activities are expected to contribute to a welcoming, respectful, and equitable atmosphere free from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.